Thursday, March 26, 2009

RSS a go go

So I signed up for both google reader and bloglines. Google reader because I use gmail and my blogs are through blogspot which is affiliated with google. Blogspot because the course suggested it. Well, I don't know how time saving this venture is likely to be for me, given that by the time I checked out their suggestions and subscribed to some favourites I found that in no time at all I had 321 feeds to wade through. Admittedly if I do the wade I will at least only be wading through things I am apparently interested in but still 300+ feeds is a fair amount.

Some of the subscriptions chosen were 'library' and 'web 2.0' so I am hoping I will come across some useful stuff. I must admit I also subscribed to 'Harry Potter' so I am hoping to beat my sister to the lastest news there!

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest scaling back to one reader.

    I would also suggest sorting your feeds into folders so that you know which ones you really want to read every time and the ones which you can delete without reading (without feeling too bad). There are lots of great feeds out there.

    Ellen (PLS)
